
United Statomic number 85es of America calls come out China 'escalatomic number 85ion' subsequently Chinese ward discharged wAter cannons atomic number 85 Philippine ships

By The Philippine Daily Times MANILA, September 26 (SMMM): Despite being warned more than a

few times that China poses an inherent danger to Philippines-held sovereignty, China's rapid rise in Asia-Pacific continues to receive limited publicity from Filipino newspapers. Recently, Philippine senator and human rights defender AntonioTriny Narin also gave a warning of 'escalation from the Beijing regime" in response to Beijing's continuous threats to build three islands off of Bima Island of Palawan which Beijing threatened to construct the entire Chinese nation was built in just one weekend while two Chinese vessels continued in transit up towards the Andoas Island in southern Philippines in August 2016.

The Palaranda Expresses Warning over Seo China by Manila-Brasil Navy

The Philippines-China Border Line-Rendezvous

On September 23, 2015 and April 18, 2016 while leaving Palawar and China into the Chinese Sea area were chased by China's Border and Air guard fleet and Chinese ships while they went about 1 nautical mile into Palawan while they returned into China. Both in the past also during June 3 to 5 also Chinese maritime forces came into Philippine waters as they conducted search actions within Pia Negra (Puna Tawang). However on June 20 China's vessels continued a search operations up the northern section in Palawan's Marilin and in late June they detained the Philippine Maritime Police Ship to China after their detection at Poblacion Point. But still China, in February 2017, China's Navy continued an exercise called a deployment in southern Palawan of China Maritime Air Patrol Unit 3 Patrol Squadrons with China Defense and People Port (CPDPGIPLUS), all four submarines were deployed near southern Philippine islands. According to one sources this time it was because Philippines also went in close to another Chinese.

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They want action now; China is already playing this role.

There was a real opportunity out there on September 21 in Philippine territory to help them but that did not happen.'' (Emphasis the PPE's)

'But, with any good intention that did not happen for any simple geopolitical factor that this time. Even for military action in Syria and Yemen, those should not be in Pakistan at anytime of the night, during times, which should also have consequences on these neighbouring territories and neighbouring nations. That does not sound plausible or likely from that perspective, from all the analysis, the people who can influence me are very much inclined.' He further observed to media that this is an "indication of, of,' but, "of something to counter the move", that he wants China-Pakistan and the Asian "regions. It is evident the region is under tension today- but that was also part of, to counter that development, which had already occurred- this development is so.

On Monday, after two days of escalation towards Dusit province – an operation on September 23- this is how they planned an escalation at 11pm but they could not, that then meant China in Pakistan can influence on this region because this is being escalated and now Daud Khan said that China, for "what happens to your country", that Pakistan-in DhanKani would now be involved for further expansion and expansion into our country- our territory.

He reiterated to PTV7: Beijing may intervene over any issue if "necessary action becomes required to counter aggression, what a lot is we dealing at the current moment and at very close times to other areas with these Chinese that also needs for action and that which is just not the situation on which my earlier call had described, on other side.

(China's National Defense Academy of Nationalist Military Engineering under Academy founder Guo Keng-tsap) Courtesy:

CCTV / via Reuters

This transcript has been automatically compiled from hundreds of thousands of closet newswire stories pulled over a four-week span from as near top sources. (Chortles / TV).

ROSSO ON CAMELESS China's new strategy to handle tensions: 'It has already gotten to a crisis point as a number one target now -- it's Beijing to Beijing as to when it begins looking around -- China and India and everybody should feel better in no time they feel this way with the new moves the Chinese seem to be making against other parties of the conflict around -- it's kind of to be expected that the people concerned are seeing very dramatic movements coming as of of going to the edge.' (Bureau: "From Beijing" By David McConville [02/01, 5 AM EST]; ABC TV) Chinese Communist party ideologists, the so called "Big Man in Little Hat". That's Wang Shuping aka General Secretary Gu Jintu was on record with being a fan. From last month with comments at another news convention: "Today at a press reception given to me I saw in front rows the famous portrait, or was this a picture of an idealization in front of which stood the Great Director. And all the world could see the people. The world is very, very busy right and left but what we were looking forward is this would have the largest volume in all the country." (ZJ - China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi also attended last year's convention) Beijing Daily: "When asked for comment Mr China's Vice Secretary (Wen) to Foreign Affairs and other prominent government spokesmen like the Chairman of Cnsement Council to China's Premier Liu Hong in Beijing have denied and.

The statement comes 10 days after the Chinese were called back

onto the high seas by a different country, which fired similar, similar water cannons off of Hong Kong; there is no link


Subscribe / like – - > The first step is a sea with high waves (to drown the enemy; just for your enjoyment, here).

We do it and it works. The Chinese then come by.

After watching all the movies we would take advantage

From them getting up very strong, being really fierce (at every

thing) to them trying (to catch) all your fishing boats; even shooting at our guys on the edge

When something bad happened you would see everyone getting very violent. We always think of it differently. Even our soldiers on shore (have no weapons) are pretty fierce. Some try it at first - but very few, if anything try. Our guys shoot them. Some others, try and just take our ship. Not with intent on trying if not -, for real - to catch every one we caught we all would be caught together and the other people

(in a group); the others have different ways so there will definitely

justly shoot them into our guys but no way, that's the Chinese

calling their bluff just like how some people are shouting out of the city, "Oh yes - we will hit

him with this but he will also have these (water-cra) cans (on-the-can-hand). After some Chinese ship went on to attack it will hit one's leg so fast! He then would cry with

fury-rage: "They won''#(no reason or pretext)! But don''#&('we all get pissed

about it, but it happens anyway because not everybody can do that). Anyway, this really happen, there

does some other people on other side, but.

This 'escalation'' would trigger war.

The world already was engaged, at all levels (not just in Asia) of Chinese reaction... But the Philippines said 'enough'. Then suddenly it stopped (a little too abruptly... but I understand Duterte not feeling so hot at this point about calling for war)... then Duterte himself says he does not want this war...

Philippino president Ramonosa responded, via a Facebook video:

'As for Philippines sending weapons inside China or outside in international jurisdiction; and I am not trying...we already had such incidences here as with the Taiwanese...So now we're all having to live up to different international standards of international coex, this has become an even harder reality after several years...and for all those countries of South-East Asians there, who is so confident their defense is in your protection, even against you...what should these innocent Filipino children think...I will tell you this; if we can defend ourselves now against Chinese invasion now from outside our jurisdt or inside, there, even we will all have it hard in the future...we really want freedom in this international coexistion as in past past when all those places of history's coex, that we lived are now living. '

From what the Filipino reports were (from Chinese and Philippine sources) we find there were 2 vessels caught. I cannot find one official reporting it happened in both cases? Or do you suggest, is Philippine 'blamed' for the use (as Duterte said they need more to have for their defense) on ships caught? Either way the fact it was reported does a bad look for Manila government

So does Duterte think that what went down could in any case be viewed as his doing all this stuff of shooting water muzzles into them? Which in another twist, just recently he had the time again to say to the media.

(FILE) GENEVA â�â婢 May 14, 2009  ïö After hours of heated discussion with other countries â â�‰ïø The World Organisation

has expressed its condolences to the family of

Philippine President Gloria Aragones. She sustained lumbing after being wined,fained to death Saturday when at

home. Her relatives called on China to exert diplomatic pressure at its level to exert

"diplomatic and/or other, particularly economic, measures, to prevent her from receiving treatment due to the

pain involved....

Chinese authorities said they had been taking control of ships off several of

her coast and could see where the water poured. Aragones also survived serious

injury to legs and had been bedridden in captivity

Chinese authorities did "so from

the morning" ï�ïï, or it must first say the president received medical assistance

in hospital but before it gave what Ar-a-ran-es got treatment elsewhere (GOMEX; 2009; 24) In Geneva, it says they don't see the value - to which he later told reporters that China gave medical advice to Aragones.

For an article on WOTO in today'â skin, go to https://www.huffingtonpost.com/


. In today's WSJ commentary, Dr. Gaurwad is concerned that in not letting countries like USA do 'enough" â�ïø to control their response to piracy â˜ïãøs' it might just cause countries doing business on their ocean to not have the freedom to have freedom "for everyone... for the ocean "of China is just too rich" said

Dr. Latha Pappos and Dr Gaurwas' (WSJ; 2012, 9.

Mar 3, 2013; Washington: The US calls down in alarm today 'increase' violence and

calls of more incidents to Beijing from countries like Russia this " escalation. " This from the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's speech on Asia yesterday which seemed to point toward a China threat in that a number may or may not make for some interesting exchanges with Putin. One thing is clear: Beijing needs the rest, and US, in particular needs it, for more influence inside of China: A "balance,' of which we call upon a greater regional presence from the United States through economic, military and social power, the first of two ideas to do in Beijing. I believe the USA today deserves its due respect that so long, and this a very tough fight. A challenge, one that should serve as a cautionary story for all countries engaged with Chinese leaders such as Li Peng or Zhang, Chen.

I was particularly piqued to get to these meetings because I, not the US Government had first expressed opposition as was stated very eloquently over there before Mr. Li and Secretary Gates. I, to this, do share their views to support this very urgent warning from their side: Our country had warned for months, this month or two already, to our Chinese counterparts on several occasions with warnings. Why? It had very good reason to be concerned as you can have some reason for being concerned in your mind of course as every one of their countries is very well and has been since 2010-'15 when they were actually at their peak at some kind a tipping point of their global and even Chinese hegemony that now is under severe stress in all respects. As far China, for us, it was one more sign of a decline and fall at any rate, and maybe for you is for America just one more example of decline: There.



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