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Funny Quotation of the Day #62779 – Dan Harkavy


"You are who someone else was once because others judged you bad…but when someone sees that he or she is now one with you for what you already are…That, too, can help."

~ Dan

Image credits: https://s14061.nj.com. This ad for this story originally appeared October 26, 2013 for The Daily Show.


Author Bio: Dan Harkavy has been writing popular political writing in English for 19 years for sites like America & USA and National Political Reporter. He was trained in creative media management in California prior of attending Harvard Business School in the U.S. A resident of Latham, Vermont and Burlington New Hampshire he currently works outside of this business field through two web websites, A Call Forward: A Journal for Independent Journalists & A Political Diary for Progressive Media Newsline in Vermont. In 2012 Chris Harkin received a fellowship from USA Today covering a series on grassroots election, finance policies and more as a freelance journalist; since 2014 he has also created several other news stories with the support of the Sanders Digital Media Initiative and his journalism resume shows he works his butt off in local communities serving our youth and those suffering social and mental illogical situations. Dan also.

Published as part of The Best Practices® series by Forbes.

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